22 September 2011


Salam Jumaat Alls.........

Berita baik menanti I..i'm waiting~

Ya Allah permudahkan segala urusan hambamu ini..amin.


12 September 2011

Interpersonal Ethics (ketika menjawab telefon)

Salam lebaran alls...still in festive mood ya?!

Entri kali ini tiada kaitan dengan hari raya. Just to share what i'm doin' daily at office.

As a customer service staff, it is must to answer call in. So, since more than 3 months, alhamdulillah..I boleh adapt dengan all the ethics. It is simple if u did it everyday.

Perkara paling penting bila kita mula-mula jawab telefon. The basic is: GREETINGS.

Then end up with; thank you @ good bye @ what so ever to make your customer think that you're soooo friendly!

Dekat department I tiada any fix procedure untuk jawab call cuma:
  • Kalau orang yang berkenaan tiada just suruh customer leave their name, phone number and where there are from.
  • It is must to know who your customer or client before they leave a message.
  • Then pass the message kepada orang yang berkenaan, nanti orang berkenaan itu akan call semula.
See...nampak macam senangkan?! Sebenarnya intonasi dan melodi yang sangat penting.
Both things will give the first impression to the customers. Customer akan senang buat assumption melalui cara kita bercakap dalam telefon sebab they dont see us.

So, bila intonasi/melodi yang ceria dan happy, you will make customer feel comfortable to deal with you. Kalau intonasi/melodi yang sebaliknya, siap sedialah complaint dari customer. Biasalah..CUSTOMERS IS ALWAYS RIGHT!

Kalau you all tak paham lagi dengan apa yang I cakap. Cuba you all sendiri call any of call center or customer service department such as Celcom, Maybank, etc. Dengar macam mana cara bercakap dengan intonasi dan melodi. You will know it.

Since I dah selalu jawab call dengan intonasi dan tagline, jawab telefon rumah pon dah terikut-ikut. Bukan sekali or 2 kali. Dah banyak kali, ok.hahaha...

Oklah,dah lewat malam ni. Esok kerja!Bubye!

01 September 2011

Safety Awareness...

Hye alls!

Ini adalah pesanan khidmat masyarakat ikhlas dari Mizz Syima:

Please buckle up your seat belt either driver or passenger. Tak kira korang pergi mane pun. Jauh ke dekat. Please..please..please..I terselamat dari kemalangan kerana I pakai seat belt. Kalau I tak pakai maybe I got serious injury during that accident. When you buckle up your seat belt, it could safe your life 100%!

Bayangkan bila kereta you got crash at divider then the car flying up up away then landing back dekat jalan dengan hentakan yang kuat and sport rim totally pecah. Can you imagine it! Yes, I lalui semua itu. Fortunately i'm buckle up my seat belt. If i'm not, maybe leher or backbone I patah. Alhamdulillah.

Please take this as serious guys.

P/S: Drive safely. Kalau rasa mengantuk please take a nap immediately.